HDCP Committee

Dear Sleepy Hollow Members

As we approach the new season at Sleepy Hollow, the Handicap Committee for 2023…Tom Worsley, Florence Marquis, Judy McDougall and Mel Reingold would like emphasize the responsibilities of the Members and the Handicap Committee at our club.

The mandate of the Handicap Committee is to attempt to ensure the integrity of the handicaps of all of our members and that we all comply with the requirements of Golf Canada and the World Handicap System.

In order to achieve the above mandate, there are two main requirements that we must ask of our members,

  1. Players must strive to make the best possible score on every hole played, and
  2. Players must post the score of all games that are played under the rules of golf


Scores should be posted before midnight on the day of play to ensure your handicap is current and it is also recommended that the scores be posted hole by hole. Posting hole by hole will calculate a more accurate handicap index and it also assists the club in the rating of the holes.

In order to be eligible for Club Tournament Play, members must have a “Current” Golf Canada Handicap Index. To maintain a current Index, players are required to post all acceptable scores from any course played.

Anyone signing up for a club tournament will have their postings reviewed. If it is determined that your handicap index is not current, due to lack of scores being posted, you will not be allowed to play in the event.

Another purpose of the Handicap Committee is to communicate with and educate the membership on any matters that relate to the World Handicap System. As such, all of the communication pieces and information from the Handicap Committee are available for viewing on the Sleepy Hollow website under the News and Events section. Also, please feel free to reach out to any member of the committee should you have any questions or concerns.

We look forward to another great season at Sleepy Hollow. Respectfully, Sleepy Hollow Handicap Committee


Sleepy Hollow Handicap Committee



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